"Our aesthetician uses a variety of advanced technologies to create personalized sessions for your Body contouring needs."
Enhance Your Look With Our State Of The Art Technology
You Can Lose Up To An Inch Of Fat In Only 45 Minutes!
- Full Body and Facial Skin Tightening Bi-Polar Radio Frequency safely offers natural skin tightening by rejuvenating and revitalizing the bodies natural collagen production. This results in tighter, more supple skin which will create a noticeable younger appearance.
- Strip the fat away permanently with Ultrasound Cavitation Highly effective, fast, permanent and painless. Removes fat and cellulite by utilizing sound wave technology to eliminate and destroy fat cells.
- Tighten & Reduce Cellulite with High-Intensity Light Harnesses the energy of high intensity light technology to shrink targeted fat cell deposits in all areas of the body, including SENSITIVE areas SUCH AS THE FACE, which are too sensitive for other modalities.
Three Separate Technologies Yield Far Superior Results We provide dramatic reductions to all areas of the body while lifting and tightening the skin. Let us show you how you can lose up to
an inch of fat in as little as 45 minutes.
Sessions are based on individual needs and areas of concern. Our Aesthetician will go over a treatment plan that is best for you" "during your consultation."
Contact Us Today To Schedule Your Personalized Consultation with Our Aesthetician
Call 631-676-3911